Everything You Need to Help REBOOT Your Posture!
My Approach
We live in this high stress world. We sit too much, move too little, and work too hard leaving us little energy to keep fit, active, or just plain healthy!
We get it...LIFE IS BUSY! Along the way our posture is declining at the speed of advancing technology. We have become so disconnected from our own postural control that for many, bad posture feels good...which is bad!
We now have completely forgotten how to reset our natural posture pattern putting each of us at increased risks of health hazards like Digital Dementia, Diabetes, Heart Disease, and increased mortality rates!
Fortunately, we know posture! Whether your are looking for a customized posture plan, corporate workshops to increase your company's performance and productivity trends with happier and healthier work teams, virtual posture consultations, speaking at your events, or techno-commercial consultancy on your newest posture products, we can help!
Dr Barry is passionate about posture! Reminded daily by his growing children on how beautiful natural posture is, he strives to help people live a healthier life with movement freedom through postural restoration.
Remember, posture has the power to create movement freedom. It also has the power to take it away. The choice is yours!
Keep up to date with our latest tips on lifestyle strategies, posture products, and the newest research trends to keep your posture active and healthy for life. If you’d like to benefit from our professional services, send us a message and we will connect with you directly. Or if you need more help you can simply type your questions into our contact form as well.

Whether you are in need of a customized posture solution for your corporate work team, techno - commercial consultancy for your posture products, or determined to reset the way you sit, stand, sleep, and move with better posture, I am here to get you started in the right direction. I am passionate & proud to say 'I know posture!'
Click below to get in touch and we can discuss your upcoming posture project!